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Security Testing

Security testing tests to see if an information system protects data and maintains functionality as intended. It uncovers vulnerabilities of the system and determines that its data and resources are protected from possible intruders.


  • Helps find security threats
  • Reduces cost as dealing with security breaches is expensive
  • Protects and preserves customer loyalty
  • Helps ensures compliances are met
  • Picks up any security vulnerabilities or faulty processes across all latest standards

Did you know?

300 plus breaches in the last 10 years with the loss of 100,000 or more records.

Experian lost over 200 million records – the largest data breach in history!

In January 2019 alone, there was a data breach of exactly 1,769, 185,063 user records!

The global average cost of a data breach is $3.6 million — and it keeps increasing every